At high levels players will tend to avoid playing a backhand overhead, and will instead “run around it” to play it with their forehand, more specifically they tend to play a backhand when it is near enough impossible to take it as a forehand, such as when it is out to the side or is behind them.
Since players avoid backhand overhead, these shots get much less practice during games than forehands do. A good player will hit at least 10 times as many rear court forehands as backhands.
Furthermore, they are physically more difficult. The shoulder is much less mobile when making a backhand hitting action, in comparison to hitting a forehand action. A backhand clear action is also less natural than a forehand. It’s a movement you would almost never make except in racket sports.
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One major tip that can instantly improve your backhand is to make sure you are using the correct grip! Generally we tend to revert to a thumb grip when playing a backhand, however to maximise power you should be using either a backhand grip or a bevel grip. Which one you use is down to personal preference; Its recommend that you try both.
One final tip: if you compete in tournaments then a general rule of thumb would be to backhand drop, however if your opponent is already at the net when you go to do a backhand then I would recommend trying to clear it, generally it may surprise them and put them on their back foot, even if it goes half court! (Has won me many points in the past)